Friday, February 3, 2017

WPR Rebuttal Announces Micro-Podcast Format to Please Listeners

I'm always analyzing listener data to identify trends. While BlogTalkRadio is rather limited in what data it divulges, I've noticed WPR Rebuttal's listeners are most plentiful for its podcasts that are briefer than 20 minutes. Therefore, to appease -- no, placate -- nay, thrill and astound our listeners, I'm making the executive decision to shorten WPR Rebuttal podcasts from half-an-hour to under-20-minutes.

(It also happens to be more convenient for me, of course, in that such data-driven decision justifies my choice to remain on the "freemium" tier of BlogTalkRadio, as to lengthen my podcasts would require a paid producer's subscription.) In rare circumstances, such as a deluge of callers, a WPR Rebuttal podcast might potentially meet the half-hour mark. But going forward, my goal is to wrap-up before 20 minutes have elapsed.

This is the way of the future: To accommodate shorter attention spans (as one might have during a lunch break); and to facilitate a finer granulization of coverage per podcast (by there being less information to summarize in each podcast, which makes finding that information easier).

Finally, changes in my domestic and professional lives mean I can no longer have a guaranteed broadcast spot available. I'll still aim for a weekly podcast of around 20 minutes; but this might not always be within my established window of between 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. on Friday.

I simply do not have the predictable schedule that would allow me to podcast without interruption, especially now that my dad has been laid-off and is therefore around the house quite a lot. (I don't want to annoy him with my podcasting, if that part weren't clear.)